Free Gift Certificate Templates
Templates in four software formats inlcuding Corel Draw, InDesign, Publisher and Word. Easily and inexpensively create gift certificates for your business using your existing software and any laser or inkjet printer.
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Calendars, invoices, gift certificates, business cards, post cards, shopping lists, Christmas lists, business forms, wedding programs, wedding menus, reply cards and much, much more!
A Perfect Sales Vehicle for Your Business
Gift certificates are sometimes used as an incentive program that provides
an employer a means to reward employees for a job well done. Large and small
businesses everywhere use this strategy daily.
With our free templates, even small businesses can offer a customized
certificate for their customers without costing a lot of money. There are a
couple of ways that you could do this.
First off, you could simply download one of the templates, edit with your
information, and print out several copies. You could then write out the
certificate information when a customer asks for one. This is a faster
solution than the next suggestion.
Another way to utilize the templates would be to use your software program
of choice and customize and print the certificate whenever a customer asks
for one. This not only will allow you to print a certificate on demand, but
will also leave an electronic record of the certificate. You can print all
details including the amount, to and from information and whatever else is
needed for your situation.
Below are several designs to help you get started creating a low cost gift
certificate. Most are simple but can be easily customized with your favorite
colors, fonts, logos and graphics.
Available Templates
Click on a thumbnail below to open the download page and view a larger graphic of the certificate to open, view and download the template(s) of choice.
Template Formats
Word: you will need Word 97 or newer to open with all formatting
and to be able to edit.
Corel Draw: Corel Draw X7 and Corel Draw 11 versions are available to download.
Publisher: Publisher 2007 is required to open and edit the Publisher files correctly with all formatting.
InDesign: InDesign CC is required to open and edit files.
Recommended Templates
Below are templates from our other sites that you will find invaluable for running your business. Most are simple and won't cost a ton of money to make your business look good.
Calendars: these are some of our most popular downloads and are perfect for planning your busy personal or business schedule. Clockwise from top left, 2 month calendars, 3 month calendars and 6 month calendars. Five calendar colors to choose from in PDF format.